Cavities with a system of inlets are made there, in shaped panels, into which the plastic material is injected in fluid state, under certain pressure application. Consequently the plastic material stays in the cavity for a cooling period. Following the mould opening, the ready plastic product, together with the inlet system, is thrown out from the mould by ejectors. Following the mould closing, the cycle is repeated. Plastics utilization, nowadays, is present in all industry branches, so the variety of mould types responds both the purpose of each product, and the plastic material performance of which the product should be made of. The moulds are manufactured also with respect to client’s demands, either concerning the cavities multiplicity in the mould, hot inlet systems requirement, or other technical parameters. Both, the combination of different forms in the mould, and the amount of the required products determine the mould complexity and the material used for shaped parts as well. Most common are the moulds for serial production of products intended for mass consumption. Prototype moulds are produced as well. In this case a cheap and simple manufacturing way is chosen, as it is not known if the product will meet the required criteria and if it will not be necessary to execute some adaptations in shape. After successful approval the moulds for serial production are manufactured, where all the problems were debugged on the prototype mould and the mould for serial production can be introduced into the production.